NFC Seal

"NFC Seal"

With our NFC seals, you can kill two birds with one stone: on the one hand, items connected to them (e.g., keys or cash boxes) can be recognized with a scan, and on the other hand, you prevent tampering with the item itself. Our seals can only be reopened with force once they are closed. This makes any kind of unauthorized access immediately detectable – for example, if a key has been removed from a keyring.

Please note that the seal cable must not be shortened as this constitutes mechanical damage. This voids the warranty and can no longer guarantee functionality.

Your Benefits:

  • With our seals, you can also fully utilize the potential of the COREDINATE key management system. The keys or keyring are provided with the seal and once registered in the system – from now on, every key handover can be recorded with a simple scan. Clean and traceable without any paperwork.
  • The seals are sturdy yet compact enough not to interfere on a keyring. The wire is stable and suitable for continuous use.


  • Color: red
  • Material: hard plastic
  • Self-adhesive: no
  • Length: 1 cm
  • Width: 3.5 cm
  • Height: 2.5 cm